
A perpetual learner – as he describes himself, Dr. Carreño is passionate about health, nutrition, exercise, business development, and everything in the fields of age management medicine, longevity, and the metabolic optimization of the aging process.

He earned his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology between the University of Granada (Spain) – as a member of a prolific international research group – and the University Pablo de Olavide in Seville (Spain). He has participated in epidemiological studies, got certified as a Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), as a Cellular and Orthomolecular Nutrition expert, and as a Nutrition Coach (Pn1) by Precision Nutrition.

He has also become a Certified ReCODE 2.0 Nutritionist, and uses his clinical and research acumen, along with his unstoppable thirst for new knowledge and new strategies that can serve his patients, to help people jump into action with the KetoFLEX 12/3 dietary strategy, as well as, building a solid lifestyle where supplements, nutrition, exercise and an in-depth collaboration with primary care providers result in meaningful clinical outcomes. Read more about ReCODE and the Bredesen Protocol, the only clinically proven program to reverse cognitive decline in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

He is an exercise, nutrition and business development enthusiast that continually researches ways to bring value to clients and colleagues. Dr. Carreño strives for personal development and leadership as a way to positively impact those around him. He is an active member of the Spanish Society for Antiaging Medicine and Longevity, and the Spanish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine and Nutrition. An avid reader and engaging lecturer, he likes to think of himself as an eclectic guy, with a deep respect for the work done by other professionals, paired with an insatiable curiosity for new ways to dissect, deconstruct, merge and advance science-based strategies to better serve clients with a truly personalized approach.


  • Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology

  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

  • Certified Nutrition Coach (Pn1)

  • Certified ReCODE 2.0 Nutritionist

  • Certified Cellular Nutrition & Orthomolecular Therapy.

  • National Track & Field Trainer.

  • National Triathlon Trainer.

  • Author & Speaker in the fields of Exercise, Health, Nutrition, Longevity, Age Management Medicine, etc.

  • Certified in Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR

Francisco helped me change the way I do things everyday, bringing me into the gym and getting me back on my board. It’s all thanks to Francisco that i’m back on my board feeling 100%, strong, and confident. If it wasn’t for Francisco I wouldn’t be back where I am today. I’d recommend him to anybody looking to be healthy.
— Joey - Skater

Dr. Carreño has accumulated priceless experience in the fields of exercise, clinical nutrition, age management medicine and business for more than 12 years. He started as the first independent coach in his hometown Seville, and has helped hundreds of clients with a wide variety of chronic diseases, performance and body composition goals. He continued to grow his career as a director of fitness and nutrition at the headquarters of a women-exclusive wellness franchise , and finally moved to New York City. In the Big Apple, he works as a private health coach, personalizing nutritional programs and exercise routines to the very unique needs of his clients. He also consults with an array of experienced doctors for lifestyle programs, recommendations and business strategy in the fields of his expertise. He provides clinical nutrition and exercise advice via individualized programs based on personal test results and current scientific-evidence. From highly successful business individuals with insane schedules, to athletes, and to every type of client in between, Dr. Carreño is devoted to partner with clients in their journey towards optimal health, and extraordinary vitality. His scientific and clinical acumen, paired with 15+ years of experience building his consulting business, make him a great asset for the teams that he is part of. He continuously reads and refines his methodology and understanding of human health, as well as, how to grow businesses in his areas of expertise. His clinical focus is on the underlying processes that take place at the molecular and cellular level, which – with proper interventions – result in different metabolic and functional outcomes. Through dietary counseling, personalized nutritional supplementation that evolves depending on each client’s results and needs, and science-based lifestyle recommendations, Dr. Carreño brings a unique amalgam of experience, vision, and passion.